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Paperize® has been providing traditional Document Management & Multimedia Archival services since 2006 in the US & Latin America converting physical documents into electronic form, producing and editing electronic documents,  providing database and information management services, and electronic digitizing of retail purchase receipts.

Our specialized services have assisted many clients convert millions of physical files and multimedia assets into electronic files that can be stored on secure electronic media or "Cloud" platforms. Paperize® offers complete turn-key personalized services to ensure that our services meet the exact requirements that our clients demand to successfully convert physical documents and other items into electronic documents / files.

Document Management & Multimedia Archival projects vary in scope, and our value proposition is our unique ability to tailor our services to the exact requirements and needs of our clients. Whether we are serving a small business, family, law firm, medical office or Fortune 5000 client, Paperize® will work with you to adapt to your specific Document Management & Multimedia archival needs each and every time to ensure that we ORGANIZE, DIGITIZE & VAPORIZE the way you want it done.


Paperize® is developing a new DISRUPTIVE service platform that empowers users to manage their own documents & MICRO-AGREEMENTS.

A MICRO-AGREEMENT can be as simple as a sentence like "Sergio will eat all his veggies today," or as complex as needed by the people that want to Paperize® any kind of agreement.


Our mantra or what we call SCANTRA is to CIVILIZE agreement and document management in a simple 4-step process:


CentraliZe users on one-single platform where they can share all of their content - transparently.

HumaniZe the Art of Communication


CapturiZe all data/ content related to each Paperize® transaction


MinimiZe or eliminate the risk and clutter associated with entering into an agreement with a hand-shake and a prayer.

© 2019 Mocha Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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